Функция има 38 преводи на 19 езика
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преводи на Функция

BG ES испански 2 преводи
  • función (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Función matemática
BG FR френски 2 преводи
  • fonction (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Application (mathématiques)
BG IT италиански 2 преводи
  • funzione (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Funzione (matematica)
BG PT португалски 2 преводи
  • função (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Função
BG DE немски 3 преводи
  • Zweck (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part] {m}
  • Funktion [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Funktionalität (n v) [what something does or is used for]
BG NL нидерландски 1 превод
  • functie (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] {f}
BG SV шведски 4 преводи
  • uppgift (n v) [what something does or is used for] (u)
  • funktion (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] (u)
  • Funktion
  • subrutin (n v) [computing: routine that returns a result] (n)
BG PL полски 2 преводи
  • funkcja (n v) [computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, what something does or is used for] {f}
  • Funkcja
BG DA датски 2 преводи
  • Funktion (matematik)
  • funktion (n v) [computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for]
BG CS чехски 3 преводи
  • účel (n v) [what something does or is used for]
  • Funkce (matematika)
  • funkce (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] {f}
BG HU унгарски 3 преводи
  • Függvény (matematika)
  • funkció (n v) [what something does or is used for]
  • függvény (n v) [computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation] (n v)
BG AF африканс 2 преводи
BG RU руски 2 преводи
  • Функция (математика)
  • фу́нкция (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation, relation where one thing is dependent on another, what something does or is used for] (n)
BG SL словенски 1 превод
BG ZH китайски 1 превод
BG HI хинди 1 превод
BG JA японски 2 преводи
  • 関数 [computing: routine that returns a result, mathematics: single-valued relation] (数学)
  • 機能 (n v) [biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part, what something does or is used for] (kinō)
BG VI виетнамски 1 превод