擦る има 31 преводи на 10 езика
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преводи на 擦る

JA ES испански 2 преводи
  • raspar (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • frotar (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
JA FR френски 2 преводи
  • gratter (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • frotter (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
JA IT италиански 4 преводи
  • fregare (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area] (informal)
  • strofinare (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
  • grattare (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure] (informal)
  • graffiare (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
JA PT португалски 3 преводи
  • raspar (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • esfregar (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
  • arranhar (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
JA NL нидерландски 1 превод
  • wrijven (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
JA DE немски 6 преводи
  • abkratzen (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • kratzen (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • schaben (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
  • reiben (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
  • schrammen (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure] (sich)
  • scharren (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure]
JA CS чехски 3 преводи
  • mnout (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
  • třít (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area]
  • škrábat (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure] (v n)
JA PL полски 1 превод
  • skrobać (v n) [draw an object along while exerting pressure] (v n)
JA HU унгарски 1 превод
  • dörzsöl (n v) [to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area] (n v)
JA RU руски 8 преводи